I love to have adventures, explore, and just have fun! I bring along my dogs whenever possible so they can partake in the fun of being adventurous too. They seem to get a kick out of it. They might be small, but they are mighty. They travel with me just about anywhere and everywhere. Life is too short not to play hard and have fun. Sometimes my risk vs. gain judgement factor goes on hiatus and I sometimes tend to do risky things. Some of my favorite things to do is hike, kayak, and ski, but I'm game to try just about anything once.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Susanville Ranch Park

After what seemed like an insanely long, cold winter, I finally ventured into the garage and rescued my mountain bike from the perils of dust, cobwebs, and a cocooned cluster of Christmas decorations. After a quick inspection, and some much needed air in the tires, I tossed my trail deprived Novara in the back of the car, grabbed the dogs, some essentials, and headed to Susanville Ranch Park for a quick trip around the trails.

While out cruising the trails, I managed to find a geocaching in a nearby meadow. After the find we took a break and the dogs caught their breath, rolled in the grass, and were ready to hit the trails again. We rode for a couple more miles through another meadow when we came across a brook. The girls were hot again and decided that a impromptu wade through the shallow water was in order. I must say, I agreed with them. After they filled up on cold water and rolled in the grass once more we continued on our way. While our trip was only about 4-5 miles, it was an amazing 4-5 miles on a beautiful warm spring day. By the time we got back to the car, the dogs were tired and hungry...but 5 minutes later they were looking longing at the back in the back, whining, wanting to ride more. "Another days girls, I promise. Another day."
Mags cooling off

Katie cooling her dogs

Happy Trails!

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