I love to have adventures, explore, and just have fun! I bring along my dogs whenever possible so they can partake in the fun of being adventurous too. They seem to get a kick out of it. They might be small, but they are mighty. They travel with me just about anywhere and everywhere. Life is too short not to play hard and have fun. Sometimes my risk vs. gain judgement factor goes on hiatus and I sometimes tend to do risky things. Some of my favorite things to do is hike, kayak, and ski, but I'm game to try just about anything once.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A good day on the slopes

So,  while I had fun at the end of the day, that's not how it started.

I have a friend who patrols the mountain and gave me a free lift ticket Squaw. So I woke up at 4:30 in the morning (If you know me, you know this is NOT an easy task) and dropped the girls off at doggie daycare and headed West bound on I-80 to enjoy a day at Squaw.

Top of Links, Squaw Valley, USA

Squaw Valley, USA


I got my rental gear and my bindings were so insanely uncomfortable, to the point that me feet get going numb. But the line was too long to turn around and go back. Then after standing in line and shuffling towards the cable car then being packed into the cable car like a bunch of sardines (which dangles over 500 ft at one point on the vertical 2000+ foot climb to High Camp), my attitude was horrible at best. I was irritated, sore, and claustrophobic. When I stepped off the cable car, all I did was complain about how "miserable" I was. I hadn't even made it to the runs yet when I called my boyfriend and said I was going to quit and head home. After I hung up, I thought, "Hey! Groucho! You don't quit! Why in the WORLD would you quit now? Look around you! It's gorgeous outside and you're willing to quit, get back in the car and waste a whole day for nothing? I don't think so... get your butt on that lift, NOW!" So, I listened to the wiser inner me, who apparently wasn't in as much pain as my outer me was in. I hopped on the "Links" green run and headed up the hill. After one run I was still cranky, disappointed, and just unpleasant.  But, I kept going back... I REFUSED to waste my precious day.

All the sudden, on my way up on the third run I noticed something that wasn't there all morning, I had a smile. I was having a good time! So, I ignored the incredible pain in my feet, knees, and legs and just went for it, and had fun. After all, isn't that what skiing is about? Fun? I ended up skiing for a few hours and getting in a lot of great practice runs, and improved my skills.  Eventually, my physical fatigue got the better of me and I was forced to call it a day, but I didn't want to.

Life's short, play hard.

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